What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee beans?

Arabica beans are known for their smooth, mild flavor, while Robusta beans have a stronger more robust taste. Arabica beans are generally more expensive due to the specific growing conditions required and the susceptibility of Arabica plants to pests and diseases. On the other hand, Robusta is more cost-effective to produce as Robusta plants are hardier and easier to cultivate.

Each type of coffee bean has its own unique characteristics, and the preference for Arabica or Robusta often comes down to personal taste. Many specialty and gourmet coffees are made from Arabica beans, while Robusta is commonly used in instant coffee and some espresso blends. We’d like to note that all of our coffees are Arabica beans! 😉


What does the term "single origin" mean in coffee?

"Single origin" refers to coffee beans sourced from a specific geographic location. It highlights the unique flavors associated with that particular region.


What is the best way to store coffee beans to maintain freshness?

Store coffee beans in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid exposure to moisture, heat, and light to preserve their flavor and aroma.


What is the ideal water temperature for brewing coffee?

The water temperature should be between 195°F to 205°F (90°C to 96°C). This range ensures proper extraction without scalding the coffee grounds.


What are the recommended coffee-to-water ratios in grams for different brewing methods?

1. Regular Coffee Machine:Aim for a ratio of approximately 7-10 grams of coffee per 177 milliliters (6 ounces) of water.

2. Pour-Over:
Start with a ratio of around 7-10 grams of coffee per 177 milliliters (6 ounces) of water. Adjust based on personal taste.

3. French Press:
Use a ratio of about 7-10 grams of coarse-ground coffee per 177 milliliters (6 ounces) of water.

4. Espresso:
A standard single shot of espresso is typically brewed with approximately 7-9 grams of coffee for a 30 milliliter (1-ounce) shot.

5. AeroPress:
Aim for a ratio of approximately 7-10 grams of coffee per 177 milliliters (6 ounces) of water. However, the AeroPress allows for experimentation with different ratios.

These ratios provide a starting point, and you can adjust them based on your personal taste preferences. Using a scale to measure coffee and water in grams ensures accuracy and consistency in your brewing process.


Where can I buy your coffee?

Our Coffee currently is only available online. Stay tuned for updates on any new retail partnerships or locations where you can find our coffee locally.


What is the shipping time for my order?

The shipping time for your order depends on your location and the date the order is placed. Typically, you can expect delivery of your order within 10-12 business days.


What is your roasting schedule?

To ensure the utmost freshness in every batch, we adhere to a carefully planned roasting schedule. We roast our coffee in small batches, typically 1-2 times per week. This approach allows us to maintain quality control and guarantees that each bag of coffee is roasted to perfection just before it reaches your doorstep.